Refrain from dangerous behavior
Refrain from dangerous behavior on the platform
Please be mindful of actions and behavior which could lead to dangerous situations
Even just a little carelessness can result in dangerous situations or accidents affecting or inconveniencing a large number of people. In order to ensure the safety of all, we ask your cooperation.
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- Thoughtless actions can result in danger
Even regular everyday actions on station platforms can result in dangerous situations. Walking while using a mobile phone or smartphone is a leading cause of falls or collisions. Also, as platforms are slightly inclined in order to facilitate the drainage of water, there is a risk of strollers toppling over if you don't activate the brake properly before letting go. Please note that foil balloons coming into contact with the overhead wires can result in power-failures and a suspension to train services, so please be careful.
Dangerous/Hazardous Items
Dangerous or hazardous items are strictly prohibited
In order to ensure safety within stations and on trains, the carrying of dangerous and hazardous items is strictly prohibited. In order to avoid potential accidents in stations and on trains, and in order to avoid delays to train services, we ask your cooperation in this matter.
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- Please check your belongings
In 2012, there was an incident on the Marunouchi Line in which an aluminum can containing detergent ruptured, causing injury. Please be mindful not only of hazardous and dangerous items, but also when bringing everyday items into stations or onto trains.
Tokyo Metro has implemented stricter measures against the carrying of dangerous/hazardous items, as well as those against crime and terrorist activities, including the installation of security cameras and transparent garbage bins. If we suspect that you may be carrying a hazardous item, we humbly ask your cooperation in allowing us to perform an inspection of your personal belongings.