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Corporate Information

Group Companies


List of Tokyo Metro Group Companies

Company Name Main Business Activities
General cleaning services and security guard dispatching services.
Retail and service operations and station operations.
Metro Station Facilities Co., Ltd. Station facilities maintenance operations.
Rolling stock maintenance operations.
Infrastructure maintenance operations.
Management of real estate located below elevated tracks and construction related operations.
Electrical maintenance operations.
Development of real estate, lease and management of office buildings, etc.
Operation of retail stores within train stations, management of commercial facilities such as commercial buildings, and management of dining establishments.
Management of advertising media and advertising agency operations.
Tokyo Metro Educational Co., Ltd. Operation of educational facilities, planning and implementation of educational and learning support services.
Human resources/welfare related operations.
Metro Business Associe Co., Ltd. Office work operations related to human resources/accounting/system management.
Metro Fleur Co., Ltd. Cleaning operations in buildings, etc.
Tokyo Metro Asset Management Co., Ltd. Building lots and buildings transaction business, financial instruments business (investment management business) and related operations.
VIETNAM TOKYO METRO ONE MEMBER LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Support of Vietnam urban railway development operations.
Nonprofit Foundation Name Main Business Activities
Metro Cultural Foundation Operation of Subway Museum and other public service enterprises.