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Service Information

This section provides information about actual or expected delays of 15 minutes or more for train services.



Regarding Cookies

This site uses cookies occasionally. Cookies are an important feature of the used browser, which are utilized by many websites as standard Web technology.
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It is possible to disable cookies through the settings of the used browser, but in such case some or all of the services of the website might become unusable.

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Regarding Access History

Information pertaining to access to this site is saved as access history. In principle, this data is used for analytical purposes of the usage conditions and statistics for this site.
Web beacons may be used to obtain statistical information. The Company does not collect personal information via the web beacons, but in case of privacy concerns, the customer can refuse web beacons by limiting the browser settings on receiving cookies.
(Web beacons ("Clear GIF") are a technology which uses cookies to grasp the access status from the customer's computer, and thus can collect usage and other statistics regarding a specified web page).

Also, please note that, if required, the access history of the website might be disclosed to administrative agencies granted the appropriate legal proceedings are in place.